Persuasive essay, gay marriage in the us, YES!

Essay by da_vannyHigh School, 11th gradeA, May 2005

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this is a long, well written essay for the cause of gay marriages in the us, including 2 sources, interesting facts from the around the world and curent issues around the topic.

Gay marriages in America

-or why all homos should become Bhuddists, move to Europe or need to be very strong-

Most times when the topic homosexuality comes up in a conversation, people favor equal rights for gays in almost every point, except marriage.

The debate about same-sex coupels and their relationship is going back and forth throughout the whole country. There are many people who are opposed and feel it is morally and ethically wrong and others who feel that same-sex marriages are acceptable. But in reality, granting legal marriage rights must extend to gays and lesbians, to ensure that all citizens enjoy full human rights.

Many people ask themselves why gays and lesbians even want to attempt to get laws past to be allowed to get married.

Why would they want to be married? Are they not happy with the relationship in which they have? And it is just like Scott Bidstrup (homosexual himself and author of several articles about gay lifestyle and rights) put it: Gays and lesbians are just like heterosexuals, they want their marriages to be recognized by the law. They are like any normal couple and want a marriage to prove and show their love for each other. They want that simple document that the government gives to heterosexuals which binds two people into a marriage. What exactly is marriage then? Marriage is a legal relationship between spouses; it is established by a civil or religious ceremony, and takes place between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners.

Many people feel that same-sex marriages are not a proper...