Plato's Metaphysics And Humanity

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade October 2001

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Plato's Metaphysics and Humanity Plato's concept of reality is a degrading and discouraging account of humanity. Plato's metaphysics has three major issues that involve humanity. First, it allows humans no room for individuality at all. Next, it says that reality must be the same from one person to the next. Last, Plato's concept completely disregards perception and the different perceptions of man.

Plato believed that two realms existed, splitting the sensory world from the ideal world of Forms. Plato thinks of the ideal world as eternal and unchanging, and therefore perfect ( According to Plato's Theory of Forms, what is truly real is not the objects we encounter in sensory experience, but rather, Forms, and these can only be grasped intellectually (Bruder and Moore 33). The perfect world, or Forms, is a place that our souls have previously been so anything humans come across in the sensory world is something that our soul remembers from previously.

This concept is insulting because it implies that all human souls are the same. If all souls are the same, then essentially humankind is one and there can exist no individuality. Humans, under Plato's metaphysics, are present merely to provide their bodies as homes to souls. If Plato's theory that we all have the same basic soul stood, then everyone would act in the same way. Therefore there would be no great acts of greed, or hate, because everyone's soul would see greed and hate the same way. So, since inhumane acts of hate DO exist in the world, our souls must not all be the same which means that humans are individuals and do have individual thoughts and ideas.

Since according to Plato all souls come from the same place and all souls are the same, then essentially reality must be the...