Poetry Notes on how to analyze poetry and analysis of famous poems.

Essay by penginHigh School, 10th grade April 2005

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English Poetry Notes

3 Pillars of Poetry

? Appreciation - process - enjoyment / interest (provocative - interest & evocative - emotion)

? Analysis - process

? Interpretation (changing) - product

Themes = tone (author's attitude to subject)

Process (learn) vs. Product (mark)

Snake (10)

? Judge others by what you learn

Let's not be unjust upon others

? Can't do something until it has its back turned

? Temptation

We know something is wrong, but we still do it

Can't break the cycle

To a Fat Lady seen from a train (13)

? Reflection: isolation & alone



? Trundling through life

Maybe you aren't the conductor?

? Passing by life with tunnel vision

? Shielded?

The road not taken (21)

? Seasons

Spring = birth & rebirth

Summer = youth & adult

Autumn = middle-age / retirement

Winter = death

? Extended metaphor: fork in the road

? Make a decision

You will never come back and re make the decision

Don't over think, you'll make many

Ozymandias (25)

? 3 speakers: writer (inn/bar in italy / swiss), story teller, ozymandias

? S-sounds = desert wind

? Hand = sculptor (synecdoche)

? End of poem = pulls out of image

Cacophony & euphemism

? Emphasis = 2 syllable & 1 syllable (causes anticipation)

? Tyrant (cold command)

Sarcasm & irony


Time & nature

? Aprocal image (anything can happen) - arrogance

? Warning to ego

Dover beach (130)

? Wedding Night

The world is empty

? We need something to fill the vacuum

? (love...?)

we are naked (nothing) without faith

? English Beach

? Life / Humans = a tide

We can only see the ebb

? Bad things (the decline.. when it goes away)

? But one day it will come back

A valediction:...