What is a Political Dictatorship and why can Lenin and Stalin both be classed as one?

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What is a Political Dictatorship and why can Lenin and Stalin both be classed as one?


A political dictator is a person who has risen through the state's political system and then taken absolute control. A normal dictatorship is where one person has absolute control over their state and can often do, or have done whatever they want; including banning all opposing parties and cancelling all future elections.

Vladimir Illich Ulyanov (later known as Lenin) can be classed as a political dictator because he gained power while being part of a political party.

A member of Lenin's 'Bolsheviks' was called Stalin; another famous dictator of Russia.

Stalin was a political dictator because Stalin promoted himself as Lenin's political heir at Lenin's death, and gradually outmanoeuvred his rivals. This was his political wit in manoeuvring people against each other, and as he didn't resort to violence or take over through a coup, this was pure political dictatorship as, by the late 1920s; Stalin was effectively the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, through which he became the dictator of the Soviet Union.


Political dictatorship:

A political dictator is a branch of specific dictatorship. The classification of a political dictatorship is a singular entity that has risen through the state's political system and then taken absolute control, usually abolishing all opposing parties. A general dictatorship is "a ruler who is not effectively constrained by a constitution, laws and/or recognised opposition etc." [2].

Originally the word "Dictator" did not have the negative meaning it has recently assumed in modern era. Rather, if we go to the root of the word we find that the first dictator; Aulus Postumius Albinus, who was appointed in the first decade of the fifth century BCE, was appointed because of the...