Ponyboy's Ideals and Conflicts

Essay by ismailF, March 2004

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Akmuradov Ismail

Ponyboys' Ideals and Conflicts

The book The Outsiders, written by Hilton, is significant material for high school students and adults. It conveys to the reader the relationships between both enemies and friends, and shows the true ideals of teenagers. One of the main themes in The Outsiders is the great influence that environment has on people. During the teenage years, one is very sensitive to the outside forces of society. Ponyboy, being a teen, is affected by the condition of his broken family, friends, and the moral conflicts he faces.

Ponyboy's family is broken. Both his parents died in a car crash. The older brother, Darrell, is busy working to make money for his family and does not have to time to provide guidance for Ponyboy. He constantly accuses Ponyboy of lacking common sense. He tries to make Ponyboy use his head so that he can function more easily in the real world.

In a family like this, he is unable to find an example to follow because the people whom he should be able to count on are not present. This is the most amazing characteristic of Ponyboy. His family is very unusual, but he remains a good person. He has good intentions and a caring heart that let him be adored by everybody around him

Ponyboy's life with his friends, the Greasers, is quite dangerous in many different ways. For example, he is always worried about conflicts with another gang, the Socs. Also, the environment in which he lives makes it very hard for him to behave like he knows he should. Some of Ponyboy's friends are kids who have grown up on the street such as Johnny, who also comes from an abusive family and lives a...