Predictability and the Inability of the Human Race to Change

Essay by imjustjohnHigh School, 10th gradeA, January 2008

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In Isaac Asimov's Foundation, Asimov displays the world as predictable and constant. The basis of the story is built on a science called psycho history, which uses statistical facts from the past to predict the future. Also Asimov tells about how history repeats itself. In order to show how history repeats itself, Asimov parallels "the historic situation of the fall of Rome with the fall of a future galactic empire" (Gunn, "Isaac Asimov: Overview" 2). In Isaac Asimov's novel, Foundation, he displays how the human race as a whole never changes and is rather predictable.

The social structure of Asimov's future world is similar to our present and ancient social structures. The planet Anacreon is a religiously centered society. Their religion includes their king, who his subjects believe considered to be part god. This is similar to the beliefs of the ancient Romans and ancient Egyptians. Also the people of religious power are the most influential people in the community which is similar to ancient religious leaders, it is similar to the religious power of the pope hundreds of years ago.

After they have established their religion, they start to become more civilized because "religion is one of the great civilizing influences of history" (Asimov 135). The majority of the social structure on the planet of Anacreaon is similar to that of Rome. Even though "technological changes lie at the root of political changes, Asimov does not believe in significant political change" (Olander 99)In Asimov's future world, humans tend to act and react to their circumstances in similar ways as ourselves, for Asimov does not believe in "significant change" (Olander 99). Asimov does not believe that scientific advancement will change "men's mutual relationships: hate, love, fear, suspicion, passion, hunger, and lust" (Olander 99). For in Asimov's novel these basic...