Preparing for Financial Independence/ Retirement.

Essay by heathbar1University, Bachelor'sA+, March 2004

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"MONEY is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver." That was a quote by Ann Rand. No matter how we look at it, money is important for us in our lives now, and it will continue to be important later. Money may not buy happiness, but a lack of money can almost guarantee unhappiness. Money can in large part determine who we are, what we wear, and how we live. Are we prepared for the future? In a recent survey conducted by Primerica Financial Services, it was found that nearly all who were surveyed felt it was VERY important to them to be able to retire financially independent. How many people actually have a financial map for the future? About 2%, if that. People don't plan to fail, they only fail to plan. Ask yourself this question, "How important is it for me to prepare for financial independence?"

Perhaps you're wondering, "what is the problem here?" The problem is that the great majority if Americans today are in serious debt, and its getting worse.

In most cases, people don't know how to get themselves out of this debt. Nevertheless, it always seems to be important to people to feel secure financially. There are some serious problems that stand in the way of our financial independence. Here are some of the reasons why people fail financially in retirement.

-Number 1 is procrastination. How many of us are guilty of thinking "oh I'll think about this at a more convenient time?" Does a more convenient time ever come?

-Number 2 is failure to set and write down clear financial goals. Perhaps some examples of possible financial goals would deal with investing or saving a certain amount each...