"Pride a prejudice" by Jane Austin.

Essay by juiceboxpimpHigh School, 11th gradeA+, July 2003

download word file, 4 pages 5.0 1 reviews


Like a well crafted chair or couch, a novel is put together so that its supports are strong, its language comfortable and its print exciting. Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice, is no exception. The characters are lively and their interactions complicated and intriguing. Though the end is harmonious, the road there is not. Multiple twists, turns, disagreements, ill opinions and reconciliations mark the way to joyous conclusions.

Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are a spirited couple. Though not initially enchanted with each other, they come to really appreciate and even love each other because of the ways in which their similarities and differences do work together. Elizabeth, in a final moment of realization points out: "I believe that you could not stand the women who surrounded you, constantly fawning over and you plying for your attention. I was different and that's what you liked about me" (311).

She comes to understand the way in which she has initially expected that she and Mr. Darcy would be so ill-suited for each other with his reservations and stoic demeanor and her outgoing personality, are really the ways in which they are best together.

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy's coupling is filled with witty comebacks and startling dialogue. Through a series of lies and half truths, as well as her own injured pride when he refuses to dance with her, she forms a very poor opinion of him indeed, but it is through his unexpected civility and manners when she meets him again at Pemberly, his home, as well as a very corrective letter that he writes her, that she comes to understand the error of her ways. "He is perfectly well behaved, polite and unassuming...Some people may call him proud, I have seen nothing of it" (227). By swallowing...