About Primal Religions by: Katy Buxton

Essay by interestedmindHigh School, 12th gradeA+, November 2004

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Religion has become a broad term in society. It has become just simply the way in which one believes. But where did it originate? According to Jeffrey Brodd the answer is simple and straight forward; religion originated with the original or primary source. "Since prehistoric times, small groups of people throughout the world have practiced their own unique forms of religion. Some of these religions continue to be practiced, especially among the native inhabitants of Australia, Africa, and the Americas. We refer to these religions as 'primal' because they tended to come first..." (Brodd 21). Although they are different, the Primal religions tend to have similar aspects. They all participate in "...myth and ritual. Primal peoples have tended to preserve a mythic orientation toward life. Their myths, and ritual that re-enact them, remain essential sources of knowledge and power for all aspects of life" (Brodd 22).

In all three religions mentioned in our book, including the Aborigines, the Yoruba and the Lakota, there is a sense of humans as sacred creatures.

We are not just people who dwell on this earth, but we are people who interact with the creator(s) of earth. For the Aborigines, we are sacred because we were animated, or brought to life, by the Ancestors (their name for gods). Similarly with the Yoruba of Africa, we connect with the orisa (gods) by worshiping, and maintaining a balance between heaven and earth. The Lakota so on a physical journey, called the vision quest, and search for something in nature that connects them to the heavenly realm. In all primal religions, the line between heaven and earth is very easily crossed. Connection with the gods can be obtained through many different rituals, as long as they are preformed correctly. Our human condition, along with being sacred, includes that...