Quatom leap

Essay by GarrettfunnyJunior High, 9th gradeA+, May 2004

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Well Sam always felt a little tired after a leap but this time he was full of energy because he found that he was sleeping in front of a computer and then all of a sudden he heard noise and it was Al was standing there and he said to Sam wake up and just then the Boss came in and said to get back to work you sorry little fool then he walked out and Al said to Sam this is the year 1999 and you are a computer programmer that is trying to stop a gigantic computer virus that is on the internet and if to many people get infected it will mean the end of the modern world. What it is doing is it will crash all hard drives that get infected. Sam said do you have any information on what happen yes I do but it is a little fuzzy I think the computer crashes and then a person appears and it is starting to get a little fuzzy but if the wait...

The screen is starting to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Just then Al disappeared and Sam said to himself that OO man if I keep doing what I am doing the modern world is toast lets see if I can fix this o damn this is a Trojan virus So just then Sam realized that he was wearing a name tag and it said in big black lettering that read Joe Blow then one of his friends walk in and said hey Jo are you getting anywhere nope this is hopeless we aren't getting anywhere lets call in the troops Sam says who are they are the people that came up with idea for the program why aren't they the ones trying to fix the problem in...