
Essay by 123william7Elementary School, 1st gradeF, July 2014

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[The Power of one - Speech/Presentation]


The Question: Critically analyse how Avildsen represents the notion that the human spirit has the power to overcome obstacles in his film The Power of One

Demonstrates effectively how Avildsen represents the notion that the human spirit has the power to overcome obstacles

Presents an effective response based on relevant, detailed textual knowledge.

Organises, develops and presents an effective response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form

Speaks fluently, adopting a style that engages listeners

Uses palm cards effectively and unobtrusively, maintaining eye contact throughout the speech

Introduction: Explain how the film is an adaptation of the book and the context of the film (as well as the setting)


The Rainmaker: Overcoming the racial obstacle, since "PK" is able to speak the language of the tribes, English and Afrikaans, he represents hope for the tribesmen and women in all regions of South Africa.

His chance encounter with the pianist leads to his boxing career, as well as his acceptance of both the black people in jail as well as the black culture.

Example 1: PK directing the performance by all the tribesmen in the prison to the guards with the help of the pianist. The song sets Geel Piet free and allows him to stand up to Sergeant Bormann by translating the lyrics of the song for him "They run this way, they run that way.

Example 2: PK fights in Alexandria and defeats their best boxer to confirm the myth that he is in fact the "rainmaker".

Animal Imagery

The Elephant: Represents the inner strength of "PK" when faced with obstacles such as fear, this symbol reappears when PK is in the boxing match against the black man. PK's meeting with the tribesman who wards away the fear within...