How was racism leveled at the Mexicans instrumental the commitment to the war effort for Anglo-American expansionism

Essay by xfairybabex626High School, 10th gradeA+, March 2004

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In Mexican American war, racism was instrumental to the commitment to the war effort for Anglo-American expansionism. The ideas of racism served as a tool of rationale for ones who desired a war and for the ones who were against it. The war between the United States and Mexico had two basic causes. First, was the desire of the U.S. to expand across the North American continent to the Pacific. And the second basic cause of the war was the Texas War of Independence and the annexation of that area to the United States. During the progressing events, quite few people of American elite did not support the idea of the war. However, that same elite was not against the idea of expansionism. American government distributed manipulative beliefs that encouraged the concept that Mexico will attack United States. There was absolutely no consideration and respect for the rights of people of Mexico.

United States did not give the recognition to Mexico as a sovereign country and government. Mexico was looked upon as the country that was not capable to govern itself. Mexicans were consigned to a marginalized status: landless, poor, segregated, and invisible. General Taylor was in charge to move the troops into the territory inhabited my Mexicans. He was under the command of James Polk who currently occupied White House. "He seems to have lost al the respect for Mexican rights and willing to be an instrument of Mr. Polk for pushing our boundary as far west as possible..." In order to justify the declaration of war and claims against Mexico, President Polk insisted to the Congress the idea of the potential danger that Mexico presented to the United States. He convinced Senate that Mexico is aggressive and constitutes a serious threat to American government:

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