Reaction Paper

Essay by ZeneaUniversity, Bachelor's June 2014

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Reaction Paper II

Zenea Mou

Professor Heshan Fernando

PSY 108-002

March 20, 2014

Reaction Paper II

Attachment is an important part of psychological health. John Bowlby created the attachment theory in which he describes the long-term relationships between people. The most important part of the attachment theory is during infancy in which the infant develops a relationship with a primary caregiver, such as the mother. Although the attachment theory focused on infancy as one of the most important tenets, Nathan S. Consedine and Carol Magai address the relationship between attachment and emotion much later on in life in "Attachment and emotion experience in later life: The View from emotions theory."

Nathan S. Consedine and Carol Magai found that there is a relationship between emotion and attachment. Consedine and Magai based their research on a 1118 adults from an age range of 65 to 86 years. Their main focus was to explain the connection between attachment and emotion on older adults.

"…different dimensions of attachment were associated with different emotion profiles, even when background variables were controlled." The different types of attachment styles were related to various emotions. For example, attachment security was related to less guilt and greater joy. On the other hand, dismissingness was related to greater interest and less joy (Consedine et. al, 2003, p. 165). Consedine et. al states that while aging, positive emotions increase and negative emotions decrease. The results showed the different relationships between emotions and attachment in later life. Security was related to being married and low levels of fearful avoidance. Dismissingness was high in African-American females and had a positive correlation with fearful avoidance. Fearful avoidance was high in African-American males single people, and people with lower income (Consedine et. al, 2003, p. 176).

Some of the results can be explained with...