Reading 'At the Edge' - by Ronnie Govender - has led to a better understanding of the Indian community (a personal response.)

Essay by LordSethHigh School, 12th grade April 2002

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Being born in Southern Africa can in many lights be seen as a very bad state of affairs to find yourself in. But reading the volume by Ronnie Govender 'At the Edge and other Cato Manor Stories' I have come to an awareness that it is not all that awful - as it would first appear. South Africa is one of the strangest places to be brought up in, with all the different worlds that you come upon in one country. South Africa is not just one country it is a multitude of countries all in one, we have a pieces of countries like: Asia, America, Britain and as I clearly came to realise a, very active, Indian part inside the borders of our little South Africa.

This, in some cases, has resulted in very vicious and uncomfortable situations like a few of the stories in 'At the Edge' have brought to view.

The racial problems are bound to rear its head because of the big diversity in the cultures and this can make it seem like a really bad idea to give a home to so many different populaces under one roof. Put as I read 'At the Edge' I came to a better understanding that the problem is not that one county cannot give a home to so many cultures; but that it is instead, that the different cultures do not understand each other due to different practises.

Being a white male in South Africa and not being native to the region of Kwazulu Natal I did not realise that the Indian culture and people were so established inside the borders of South Africa. I did not nearly realise the complexity of their lives or even how important their religion was to them. As people we...