The reality of globalization

Essay by rockomodernUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, May 2006

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People around the world are becoming more connected all the time without even wanting it because of globalization. Information and money flow more quickly than ever because of same reason. Everyone can easily find information on all subjects. Goods and services seen in one part of the world are increasingly available all over the world. International travel is more frequent. International communication is commonplace. Technology has now created the possibility and even the likelihood of a global culture. The Internet, fax machines, satellites, and cable TV are sweeping away cultural boundaries. Global entertainment companies shape the perceptions and dreams of ordinary citizens, wherever they live. The growing integration of economies and societies around the world - has been one of the most hotly-debated topics in international economics over the past few years. Rapid growth and poverty reduction in China, India, and other countries that were poor 20 years ago, has been a positive aspect of globalization.

But globalization has also generated significant international opposition over concerns that it has increased inequality and environmental degradation. This reality affects the entire world, from all small countries to huge countries. Many highlighted differences happened because of the affection for the globalization conveniences has brought, which began with the launch of the European Imperialist movement and the European colonial era five centuries ago in the "Third World" areas as well as Australia, New Zealand and North America. The World Social Forum can be given as an example for groups that they try to inhibit the effects of globalization which includes privatization, the separation of unique groups who support anti-globalization and the negative affects of foundations like the World Bank and the IMF.