Recruitment [Millennium Bank]

Essay by JohnTheGreekUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, March 2008

download word file, 11 pages 5.0

Table of Contents1. Introduction2. Literature Review on Recruitment3. Recruitment Method: Procedure and Data Collected4. Recruitment Method Description5. Evaluation6. Conclusion7. References1. IntroductionHuman Resource Management is profoundly a critical tool in finding and training the best employees. HRM is directed mainly at management needs for human resources and that means that it is entrusted with the process of recruiting and selecting the most appropriate people whose competences, attitudes and behavior come along with what management thinks to be suitable and conducive to success. In other words, the fundamental objective of the recruitment and selection process is to get, at minimum cost and time, the number and quality of employees needed (Armstrong, 2006).

Human Resource Management concepts emphasize on recruitment and selection techniques and underline the benefits of interviews, broad evaluation and psychometric testing at employee selection process. The process of recruitment could be inner, outer or could also be online and entails the phases of job analysis, job description and person specification, defining the source of candidates and producing a job announcement (Torrington & Hall, 1998).

Paradigms of recruitment policies within healthcare sector and commercial or industrial sectors could offer insights on the way recruitment policies are planned and managerial intentions are delineated (Sparrow, 2007).

The particular report will initially attempt to present a brief overview of the usefulness of recruitment and the methods commonly used. Afterwards, details on the methodology we used will be presented and the result of the recruitment procedure that we chose, following the company's typical recruitment process, will be portrayed. Moreover, the entire process will be analyzed and its strengths and weaknesses will be identified. Finally, the report will conclude.

2. Literature Review on RecruitmentRecruitment refers to the process of finding the right people for the right job or function. As we said before,