Reflection Assignment 1 Following Johns Model of Structured Reflection

Essay by dampwoolUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, April 2004

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Reflection Assignment 1

Following Johns Model of Structured Reflection

Johns Model of Structured Reflection (Johns 1998)

1.Write a description of the experience. Ask yourself:

*'What are the significant issues I need to pay attention to?'

I was asked to complete a pre-operative assessment on an elderly lady for cataract extraction, using an I.C.P. for intra ocular surgery under LA. During the assessment process she expressed several times that she was extremely sensitive to things going near to her eyes, also during the assessment I observed from her body language and tone that she was very nervous and anxious about the whole being in hospital experience. Throughout the assessment I tried calm her down and gain her trust by being friendly and humorous but at the same time explaining every step of the procedure and what she was to expect by the end of my part of the assessment she had relaxed considerably.

As I am not qualified to complete the assessment I had to get one of the senior-nurses to come and complete the assessment by taking all the measurements and readings from the eye all of which are vital before the commencing of the operation at a later date. The first test is to measure the eye using a slit lamp. I had explained the test to the patient and said there was nothing to worry about, as it was a simple routine procedure. The lady felt quite confident about completing the examination without to much fuss.

I then left her in the examination room whilst I went to find a staff-nurse. When I returned the senior-nurse walked in and introduced herself to the patient and proceeded to start the examination, which initials the patient to sit forward in a headrest and to stay very still and...