How relevant (to her audience) are the statements that Pink makes about the values and attitudes in society? How does she communicate these statements?

Essay by crunchie_1High School, 10th grade August 2007

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Living in society, many situations arise, particularly for Pink's audience of young girls, where moral instruction is required to mould them into self-sufficient young women.

Pink employs a didactic approach in her music and in doing so, uses her role model status for the purpose of communicating positive values and attitudes to her audience of impressionable young women.

In the text 'Most Girls', "relationships" are paralleled to the financial status of men, magnifying consumerist values and attitudes in society. In the text 'U and Ur hand', values and attitudes relating to the objectification of women by men, are addressed. In both these texts, Pink uses a didactic approach to promote morals, values and high self worth to women. Both texts also convey the attitude that the name of love should not be used on a superficial level.

In the song 'Most Girls' Pink makes the statement that society is overly consumerist and parallels this attitude in society with male and female relationships.

A consumerist society places emphasis on material goods and implies that the more we can consume, the higher our status.

Throughout the song "Most girls", Pink expresses her view that society is overly consumerist by using various techniques such as onomatopoeia. This is used in the line "Most girls want a man with the bling bling".

By using the technique of onomatopoeia, Pink has created the auditory imagery of money. The example 'bling bling' appeals to our ears and infers consumerism.

Another technique that is employed in Pink's song 'Most Girls' is the use of colloquial language. Through using the phrase "mean green" which means money, Pink is identifying with her target audience of young people, as colloquial language is more appealing to young people as opposed to formal language.