Report On Groups In Japan

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The Japanese are constantly affected by the Group mentality 24 hours a day. Every day and in every way he/she is a group member. Everybody in Japan belongs to some kind of a group. He/she go to school they belong to school group, or the name of his company, family group, community. In addition to oral self-introduction, the Japanese rely heavily on the use of meishi (name cards) to indicate where they belong. A typical name card contains the user's name, place of employment, office or rank, and home address. The name card is so important for self-introduction that one cannot do without it in Japan if one wants to become know or trusted by a group of strangers. If you go to school you would wear a badge with the school name.

When Japanese people are in a group amae feeling comes into play here. Everybody depends and presumes upon each other for benevolence and affection.

Those who share the same group identity get together often to enjoy intimate interaction and to confirm their mutual solidarity. Japanese are so into groups that they don't like to be alone, they go to crowded places where they can meet other people. Given their cultural gravitation toward togetherness, it is no wonder that the Japanese readily admit to being lonely or those lonely persons are likely to receive attention and sympathy. Like mother-child relationship where there is barely talking it is same in the group. Japanese are not into talking, no verbal exchange of emotional feelings. They believe that silence is a sign of honesty and trustworthiness. Japanese are not into verbal communication because they trust feelings and emotions more than words.

The Japanese are very into group. If a person is absent from school people from the group would always call,