this report is to help find teh differences in te

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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this report is to help find teh differences in te major retailing industry 1. Writing (Is there a previous report? Relevant books and articles... try the library 2. Personal (Who can you write to/phone/speak to with first hand experience?) 3. Direct (conduct a questionnaire or test) Language The objective character of a report requires a certain style of writing which is, generally speaking, formal and impersonal. This means that we do not normally use the first person in a report, ie "I think...", "I do not agree with..." but rather phrases such as "It would seem that..." , "Evidence suggests...", "There seems little reason to believe that...", This does not however mean that we should be using pompous or overly complex forms of expression. Try and stick to plain English and keep sentences short (ie around 20 words).

Avoid sensational or emotional forms of speech: "It would be a disaster if...",

"It is deeply disturbing that..." Standard terms or expressions such as "management", "culture", "leadership", "power", "human resources", should always be defined and explained.

What are the components that may be included in a report? Title Page This should include the title of the report, in addition to both the name of the person preparing the report and the recipient.

Table of contents List all the chapters/sections/headings/sub-headings, appendices and illustrations (if applicable). Don't forget to put the relevant page number and set everything out as clearly as possible.

Terms of Reference A definition of the task; your specific objective and overall [purpose of writing, for example: "On the instruction of personnel manager, the training and development section were asked to undertake a survey of graduate training in order to evaluate their application for a further training officer".

Executive Summary A brief statement of overall aims and specific objectives(unless stated in the terms of reference), method/procedure used, key findings and synopsis of main conclusions and recommendations.

Introduction This should show you have fully understood the brief and that you are going to cover everything required.

Findings/Main Body This is the substance of your report. The structure will vary according to the nature of the material being presented, with headings and sub-headings used to clearly indicate the different sections (unlike an essay). A "situation>problem?solution>evaluation" approach may be appropriate. It is not sufficient to simply describe a situation. Your tutor will be looking for analysis and for a critical approach.

Charts, diagrams and tables can be used to reinforce your arguments, although sometimes it may be more appropriate to include these as an appendix (especially if they are long or complicated).

Conclusions These draw out the implications of your findings. Deductions are based on the facts described in your main body. Remember not to include any new material here: if it's important enough to include, put it in the main body.

Recommendations You should indicate what you think should be done to improve the situation in specific ways. Point out the next steps or options for action. A "statement of costs" should be included if you are recommending changes that have financial implications.

Appendices Detailed documentation of points you outline in your findings, for example, technical data, questionnaires, letters sent, tables, charts, leaflets etc. It is supplementary information you consider to be too long, complicated or not quite relevant to include in your main body, but which should still be of interest to your reader. Each appendix should be referred to in your text. You should not include something as an appendix if it is not discussed in the main body.

References and Bibliography The References section should contact a record of all the named sources you have quoted from or reproduced in your Report.

The Bibliography should contain all reading you've conducted in preparation for the Report but have not referred to. It allows the reader to assess whether the background reading undertaken was balanced and a variety of courses utilised.

To summarise...

Executive summary - to the point Introduction - To the point (setting the background).

Content - to the point, showing evidence of research, a good argument was developed Conclusion - Salient and shows your opinion/conclusion) Bibliography - right format, (your mark will be capped if not done) Word count not exceeded or understated by more than the 10%margin allowed. ie. not more than 150 words more or less than 1500 words.

Print the word count on the front-page of y