This is a respnsive writting to an article i read about marketers and how they try to target teens. I also included vocabulary and discussion questions

Essay by rackelHigh School, 12th gradeA+, April 2005

download word file, 2 pages 4.0

Downloaded 62 times

Rachel Miller


Personal Finance


Current Events Assignment

Teen Marketing? Fo' Shizzle Dizzle

Everyday advertisers are looking for new ways to connect and build trust with

teenagersbecause they are "the buyers of tommorow". Market researchers have realized

how much of the careless spending habbits teens have largley contributes to certain

products' success. With this in mind the author of this article advises companies to

connect with teens on a personable level. He suggests doing this by learning the

termonlogy the youthculture uses, listening to their music, and even getting a first-hand

outlook on what teenagers do. Another stratagy mentioned was a type of marketing Sprite

uses that would establish long-term brand advertising. By going against the typical label

pushing campaigns, Sprite ironicly markets the phrase "Marketing is nothing taste is

everything don't believe the hype- obey your thirst." In doing this Sprite hopes to create

a trusting relationship between them and the consumer emphazing on the fact that they

are the 'good guys'.

As we studied in class this article goes into depth on the importance of marketing

research and touches on brand advertising. After reading this article I noticed more and

more in commercials how as teenagers our own culture, in a sense, is used againsts us.

Now when I see a celebrity trying to endourse a product all I can think of is the author of

this article saying, "you'll get street cred with teens when they learn that you are down eit

G-Unit, Aight?" and "Do the right thing, and you'll be off the heezy fo shezzy". It angers

me that old advertisers think we can be douped into buying a product because a couple

of slang words are thrown in, it's even more upseting to know that most of the time they

are right. Most...