Review of" Chatman, Jennifer A. and O'Reilly, Charles A. 2004. Asymmetric reactions to work group sex diversity among men and women. Academy of Management Journal, 47 (2): 193-208."

Essay by nizmoona November 2010

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Though scholars have amassed significant body of research on how sex diversity influences various work processes, it's still unclear. (a.Chatman and A.Oreilly, 2004)

How do men and women react when they are in different sex composed work group? What's the explanation of this reaction?

The author used the deductive strategy in the research and he adopts a positivist epistemological position, we deduce a pure Quantitative methodology of article review.

The author adopt deductive strategy in the research as he began with theories .First, Status expectation stat theory and hypothesized that men and women will prefer membership in higher status work group.

Second , Similarity attraction theory and hypothesized that dominancy of men and women in a group by their own sex will make them more normatively committed, perceive this group as more cooperative and express higher positive affect.

Thus, in order to test the hypothesis, the author starts to collect data.

The study obtained in a chosen clothing manufacturing plant with participation of 189 professionals in three randomly chosen divisions (Stratified random sampling) at a single point in time to make a social survey research and studying the subject which is considered as a cross sectional research design(collection of data on more than one case at single point of time).(A. Bryman, 2007: 55).

To collect data, Self-completion Questionnaires have been obtained. The author mimicked natural science by transferring the data to numbers. Many examples in the article reflect positivist epistemological position e.g. using (1-7 scale) to determine likelihood of transferring from current work group, measuring normative commitment to the organization by using (Caldwell, 1990) Scale's which ask respondent to circle the number reflecting what they agree with, measuring work group cooperation by Johnson &Johnson 5 items scale and finally, creating a dummy variable indicating leadership of respondent.