Risks of Dairy Products and Problems Withing the Dairy Industry

Essay by StabbedbyangelzHigh School, 10th gradeA+, May 2002

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This project is to spread awareness of the health risks involved in the consumption of dairy products, as well as the inhumane treatment of the animals. People do not realize how dairy cows and their calves are treated and the cruelty and devastation they face. Many people believe that dairy products are good for your body and can help prevent osteoporosis and other ailments, when in fact they do much more harm than good for your body. Most doctors will not endorse milk products, but rather the Dairy Farming Industry does.

Most people consider milk and other dairy products ethical, humane, and/or nutritious, but products made from cow's milk are far from. Milk is an unnatural food for humans to consume. No other species drinks the milk of another species, or drinks milk past infancy and childhood. This happens for a reason. Milk is produced by all mammals to feed their young, not another species.

Every species milk contains different enzymes necessary for that species young to develop correctly during infancy. The enzymes in a cow's milk are not essential for human development during infancy and childhood, nor at any other time on our lives.

The dairy industry, however, would live to make you believe otherwise. The dairy industry spends more than $300 million every year to convince people to drink gallons of milk and consume other dairy products. For the most part, it works. The U.S. is one of the highest consumers of dairy products in the world, despite the health risks involved with their consumption.

The most obvious risk involved with dairy products is the bovine growth hormones (BGH) they contain. BGH typically is used to increase a cow's milk production by 20 percent. BGH milk contains a high level on the carcinogen Growth Factor One,