Robert Lartimer Case.

Essay by KrystallUniversity, Bachelor's January 2004

download word file, 14 pages 4.2

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People seem to always have different opinions on issues concerning death and dying. Whether it has to do with your religion or just the way you were brought up by your parents, reflecting their morals and values on such issues. With the approach of modern technology and the more common usage of artificial measures to prolong life, such as life support, many people in the world today are fearful of the process and reality of dying than death itself. In recent years, a number of events that received a considerable amount of media attention have prompted many Canadians in to considering end of life decisions in order to better prepare themselves for their future. One of these events would be the Robert Latimer case and I believe that cases like his are paving the way on how Canadians feel towards assisted suicide, or euthanasia.

"The word Euthanasia originated from the Greek language: eu means "good" and thanatos means "death".

One meaning given to the word is the intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of the person who dies." That is, the term euthanasia normally implies that the person who wishes to commit suicide must initiate the act. However, some people define euthanasia to include both voluntary and involuntary termination of life. Like so many moral/ethical/religious terms, euthanasia has many meanings. The result is mass confusion.

Active Euthanasia: (Voluntary) this involves causing the death of a person through a direct action, in response to a request from that person. A well known example was the mercy killing in 1998 of a patient with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a Michigan doctor. His patient was afraid the disease would cause him to die a slow, painful death so he asked for a quick, painless...