Romeo and Juliet Letter

Essay by srusso03Junior High, 9th gradeA+, September 2014

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Good morrow Mercutio,

Last evening at the Masquerade, something happened… 'twas a Capulet whom I changed eyes with. Her civet was the most wonderful aroma in the world. We wast dancing when I kissed her hand. Then we kissed again on the lips. I don't know what to dost. Faith, forsooth! What would happen if my family found out about this?

Would thou want to know who the wonderful woman is? An so, when will I resolve to thee next?

Hark, mark my words and don't tell anyone until thee meet me. I've been high-lone and heavy for quite a while and now I think this girl might even be the one. I wot she loves me back, unlike Rosaline, whom doesn't feel the same way I dost. Once we meet, I wilt tell you everything about her.

Adieu sirrah. See thee anon!


an if

E'en evening

'twas it was

civet perfume

dost/doth do/does

faith, forsooth good gracious

thee/thou you

high-lone quite alone

wot know

wilt must

morrow day

anon soon

good morrow hello

adieu farewell

hark listen

heavy depressed

resolve plan

wast were

sirrah sir/mister

changed eyes fallen in love