The Rorschach ink blot test is a legitimate form of personality assessment.

Essay by jassisidhuA, April 2006

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Personality Experiment

Hermann Rorschach, a psychologist developed the ink blot test in the early twentieth century and his mental tests are still used today. These tests are usually widely used by psychologists around the world. They are used to examine the mind and determine their mental state or to verify which type of learner they are. The test could also be used to confirm if a particular person is typical or abnormal. The Rorschach ink blot test is a legitimate form of personality assessment that can determine how the person views the world from their perspective, determines if the person is normal or not, and it also shows one's visual and mental perception.

The test determines the persons' perspective of the world. It can reveal one's emotions, interpersonal relationships, and self esteem. If the example provided for the blot test is viewed by a person as two woman joining hands, their perspective would therefore be linked to interpersonal relationships.

It could also be linked to self esteem if the person is viewing the image as a sad face, which in a way would show that the person is depressed them self. One's emotions can also be determined if the responses are analyzed and put into categories of which response leads to what characteristics. The Rorschach ink blot test is a legitimate form of personality assessment because the responses to the blot test show the person's approach to the world.

This experiment could also establish if the person is normal or abnormal by comparing the majority responses with the uncommon ones. This can be used as a technique to verify if a person is insane at a mental hospital. If the insane person would probably have to give an acceptable answer in order to be acknowledged as a sane person.