'Rule By Institutions' is the name of the essay and its an essay on institutions that the directors in Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' used to control citiznes.

Essay by mrwodsworthCollege, UndergraduateA+, April 2004

download word file, 2 pages 3.0

Rule By Institutions

The world is made up of many institutions. The family, religion, and education are structures that our world is built around. These institutions influence our behavior and how we interact with each other. In Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World, the directors realized the advantages of the institutional structures of the old world and used them to help control the clones of the Brave New World.

The directors liked the idea of the church, but since the Brave New World society has only idols, the institution had to be modified. The church was morphed into the Solidarity Service. The church is used as a bridge to the mystical level; however, the solidarity service keeps the clones on the temporal level because the directors saw the metaphysical and mystical levels of existence as a threat to their control, since it allowed too much free will. This is evident in the novel when Bernard Marx feels this way about the Solidarity Service:

He feels miserably isolated now as he had been when the

service began-more isolated by reason of his

unreplenished emptiness, his dead satiety (Huxley 86).

The institution of sex appealed to the directors, but the hated the emotions that it brought along when practiced with just one person. Having a relationship with someone special brings more emotions than just love. It also brings emotions like jealousy and pain. Relationships intensify emotions and produce free will decisions, which the directors of the Brave New World strongly oppose. To fix this problem, the clones were programmed to be promiscuous, having multiple sexual partners, instead of being monogamous. In this scenario all the pleasures of sex are still present, without all those nasty emotional side affects. "The Perfect Clone" Fanny is the best example of this trait, because she reprimands...