Rural Life Vs Urban Life

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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What are rural values. cities and metropolises were rare up until five hundred years ago. Neighbors are also a big part of country life. One might feel comfortable that he knows and is well known by his neighbors maybe as a sense of protection. Honesty is also another stereotypical trait portrayed by rural people, possibly due to fewer obstacles and variables city people have to deal with. Rural people might appear to be friendlier than city people, most likely because of less contact with people than crowded urban areas. Openness is another trait shared by rural people probably due to sense of security that low population density and less people means less rumors, less embarrassment, and more trust. Generally people might seem more helpful in emergency situations in the country, probably due to far away hospitals and immediate sense of urgency. In the country you will also tend to find unlocked homes way more frequent than city homes.

What are urban values? When living in the city, life is mostly in fast pace mode where transportation, convenience and industry all play a major role. People may seem more competitive between business or maybe even sports which carries over in to making money in which businesses compete against each other. Diversity is another key element in the city life for many ethnicities and races. Convenience is great in the city, because pretty much anything is reasonably attainable ranging from supermarkets and malls to gas stations and restaurants. City dwellers may be more private about themselves due to vast numbers of people who truly don't care. People in the city are always subject to change, whether it is a new restaurant in town or a new work place because it is closer to the house. Cites have been made possible by transportation...