School uniforms

Essay by char21High School, 11th grade March 2009

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In 1998, a survey by the National Association of Elementary School Principals stated that more than one-fourth of American elementary and middle school students in ten states attend a public school where uniforms are being worn or are under consideration. Those advocating the use of uniforms claim they decrease violence, helps students concentrate more on work, and promote safety. Others argue uniforms violate the first amendment's right to freedom of speech. Are uniforms a good idea? While having a dress code may have its advantages, instituting a school uniform policy presents positive aspects for the both students and parents.

Uniforms place less emphasis on status and help students focus on school. Resisting peer pressure to wear the "hip" labels or styles would no longer be an issue. The pressure from peers and the media to wear designer clothes has caused students to believe their name brand clothing can bring happiness and acceptance, which is important to all students.

Many believe the way one looks has a great impact on the way he or she is treated. Uniforms also create equality between children. Kids perceive they will fit in because they all look alike, bolstering self confidence. Children with high self-esteem perform better in school and may lead to increased class participation. Moreover, students would no longer waste time choosing clothes to make an impression. When making the decision on what to wear in the morning, students not only have to choose something they like, they also have to choose something that will make them feel acknowledged. Students spend too much time debating on how their clothes look when they could be focusing their time on school work. Since students place a great emphasis on looks and popularity, adopting a uniform policy would alleviate this anxiety by creating identical social standings...