
Essay by saharbarghian123High School, 11th grade November 2014

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By : Sahar Barghian

Understanding The Human Eye

Table of Contents

Keeping your eyes healthy ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Why is wearing sunglasses a good strategy ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Types of Protection your eye needs ..............................................3

Pros and Cons ...............................................................................4

Myopia .......................................................................................5

Glasses and Contact lenses ......................................................6

Laser Eye surgery .........................................................................7

My Final desicion ...........................................................................8


How to keep your eyes healthy, especially a studious student who

studies a lot?

1) Eat Healthy- High saturated

fats can cause deposits that

restrain blood flow in the

arteries. This is one main

factor that the eye is sensitive to because of the

small size blood vessel that feed them.

2) Be arms distance away from what you're

looking at, but make sure to be comfortable.

Blinking brings recent tears to the cornea which

helps eyes stay more damp and free of any sort

of irritants. The more we examine and object

for example the drier our eyes become.

3) Get exercise- getting exercise improves our

blood circulation, which helps oxygen level from

our eyes and helps the removal of toxins.

4) Give your eyes a break from any sort of

technology- we tend to strain our eyes by

looking at a computer screen for example for

too long. Every 30 minutes on a computer

screen look away for at least 20 seconds. This

exercise will help break the eyes continual strain

of focusing.


Why Is Wearing Sunglasses a Good Strategy on

Maintaining Good health?

Sunglasses protect you from UV radiation which causes flood benign growth on the surface of your eye. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) is similar to visible light, except it does not enable us to see things. The light that enables us to see things are called visible light because it is composed of the colour we...