Science- Biology Practical Reflex and Touch

Essay by ctu042 March 2009

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Aim: In this experiment we are to test our reflex actions and voluntary actionsBackground:Reflex action also known as involuntary actions do not involve the brain in making decisions, they are automatic. An example would be to put your hand on a hot object. In this case a sensory receptor from our finger would pick up an impulse, and the travel along the spinal cord, this cell is called a sensory neurone, because it is carrying an impulse from a sensory receptor.

In the spinal cord, the neurone passes an impulse to several other neurons. These neurons are called relay neurons, because they relay the impulse on to other neurons.

The effectores are the muscles in your arm. The messages travel to the muscle along the axon of a motor neurone. The muscle then contracts, so that your hand is pulled away.

Reflex actions are very useful, because the message gets from the receptor to the effector as quickly as possible.

We don't need to waste time to think about what we do next.

Experiments:1)"Knee Jerk" response2)Skin and Touch receptors3)Testing responsesMethod:Experiment 1)"Knee Jerk" response1)Have your partner sit on a bench2)Gently (but firm) tap just below the knee3)record responseExperiment 2)1)make a 'touch object' which is a ruler with toothpicks at the end2)moving the toothpicks, touch the person and they decide either one or more toothpicksExperiment 3)1)Make your partner spread his hand out2)And then drop a 100m ruler3)The point in which he/she grabs is recorded4)continue this experiment in other ways, like blind folding in which they grab the ruler when they hear voicesResults:Experiment 1)Right LegLeft LegHugoNoneYesJLoYesYesEoghanYesNoneExperiment 2)Parts of the bodyHow far apart the toothpicks areHow many toothpicks they feltHow far apart the toothpicks are (2)How many toothpicks they felt (2)How far apart the toothpicks are (2)How many toothpicks they felt...