Service Marketing of Tourism industry in Tasmania by Nick HSU

Essay by nickhsuUniversity, Bachelor'sB, August 2005

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Tasmania is the smallest state of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is an island about 250 km (150 miles) south of the state of Victoria. The stretch of water between Victoria and Tasmania is Bass Strait. Also it is a place of wild and beautiful landscapes; friendly, welcoming people; a pleasant, temperate climate; wonderful wine and food; a rich history and a relaxed island lifestyle. There are many tourists coming to visit this place every year.

The purpose of this project is to discuss the dynamics of marketing a tourism destination of Tasmania. As there are challenges coming up and Tasmania has the potential to growth on tourists rate. Again this project could provides the strategic direction and blue-print for action to improve the performance, competitiveness and structural efficiency of the tourism industry in Tasmania.


The economic impact of tourism (Tasmania)

Tourism is increasingly being viewed by many national and local governments as a mechanism to aid the regeneration of the ailing economies of industrial cities

There is a prevailing perception among national and local governments that economic benefits accrue to tourism destinations, which then creates employment opportunities and stimulates the development process in resorts and localities.

For the local population, it is often argued by proponents of tourism development, that investment in tourist and recreational facilities provides a positive contribution to the local economy. Such assumptions are not without their problems since tourists are not noted for their high levels of customer loyalty to tourism destinations and a number of features support this argument:

l Tourism is a fickle industry, being highly seasonal and this has implications for investment and the type of employment created. Tourism employment is often characterised as being low skill, poorly paid, low...