SHORT Literary Analysis of "Lord of the Flies", analyzing the key points, the low points and how it could be considered allegorical.

Essay by Heasal2887High School, 11th gradeA, August 2004

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Lord of the Flies, by William Golding is well written, containing an interesting plot in which the reader can easily relate to. What was found to be most appealing was the concept of brotherhood displayed by each of the boys struggling to survive on the island with no resources except for each other.

The book is written at an advanced level, therefore the reading is complex and an extensive vocabulary is used, but because it was an enjoyable book it was found to be less difficult. The plot also contained many unforeseen twists and odd events, which made it at times hard to follow along, but on the other hand grabbed at the reader's attention.

The thing that was found to be the least appealing in Lord of the Flies was how the boys totally turned against one another, and even ended up killing some of their own. The concept of passing on the idea of brotherhood and key survival tips was destroyed when the boys lost their self-control and gave up faith.

A strong moral could have been taught through this book, but unfortunately it was ruined by the horrible twist.

An allegory is a story in which there is an underlined meaning, which may not always be picked up on right away by the reader. Lord of the Flies could be allegorical in that certain boys on the island represented different religious beliefs. This was most observant through Simon, who showed different beliefs from the rest and was shunned for his faith.