short story

Essay by jaygray17 October 2014

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Perfection of an Imperfect Life

Love. Commitment. Need.

They are very strong words. "Do I comprehend the words scribbled above?" I turn away but sooner, I'll have to face my fears and answer that question. The clock strikes 6:00 pm. "Ms. Benividez", I whisper softly to the old lady who lies in the hospital bed. I extend my hand to hold her hand and kiss it. I made a mental note upon hearing her very ill condition that I shall never reserve a room for negativity. There shall somehow be a way to cure cancer. I never thought I'll be in a situation like this. It's as if, well probably, my faith is being tested by The Most High. I stare intently at the person who raised me, dressed me, nurtured me, took me to her arms when I was weak, hopeless, alone and an orphan. In that beautiful face of hers, lines and wrinkles start to appear.

This must be just a test, indeed, but it's just so tough. Her chance of survival is not even more that fifty percent. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with colon cancer. It is cancer that starts in the large intestine (colon) or the rectum (end of the colon).It can invade and damage adjacent tissues and organs. The cancer cells can also break away and spread to other parts of the body (such as liver and lung) where new tumors form. It caused me extreme sorrow because her pain affects me. For two years she kept that from us until her condition got worse. "Please fight 'ma, please!" "You're going to be a grandma again in two months", I add as if she can hear me. Probably, I hope so.

As she is still in sleep because the nurse was advised by...