Sigmund Freud And His Theories

Essay by PetahcahunaHigh School, 12th gradeA+, March 2006

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Sigmund Freud is a very intelligent man, but some of his ideas were too extreme. He was a very persistent man, and many ideas were well developed and critical in the forming of psychology and its ideas today. Freud was excellent in his research, and explored the life stages, the id, ego and superego, along with what he considered the most important drive of the human mind: sex.

Born in the small town of Freiberg, Moravia, on May 6th, 1856, Freud was the first son to his mother, and third to his father. He had two older half-brothers and six younger siblings. His mother was 21 when Sigmund was born; his father 41. At a very young age, Freud showed that he was quick at learning. He was always at the head of his class, and attended medical school. Freud was Jewish, and he was one of very few Jewish boys that was given the opportunity in Vienna.

Just as when he was younger, Freud was very good at his research, and studied under the wing of Ernst Brücke. At first, Freud was interested in studying neurology, but then later found favour in studying psychology. Freud became very popular in psychoanalysis, and became well respected and famous from writing his books and giving his lectures. He was very stubborn, though. Anyone who did not completely agree with his theories and ideas were rejected.

Freud saw all human behaviour as motivated by the drives and instincts which he first referred to as life instincts. These instincts were driven by two ideas: the life of the individual by driving them to get food and water, and the life of the species by motivating them to have sex. Freud was the person who called this drive our "libido," from where he derived it...