A simple ad rotation program written in php, which uses a simple text file to revolve your ads. No need to get any databaseor CGI scripting.

Essay by syedraza70 April 2005

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A simple ad rotation program written in php, which uses a simple text file to revolve your ads. No need to get any databaseor CGI scripting. You canalso use this concept to revolve contents on your site.

(assume you have a ad whose code is "Figure" and

you have a second ad whose code is "

Now to put these two inside the text file, you need to seperate them using ~ sign. like below:




//opening the text file, if this line gives you error when compiling

//the code then you need to chmod 755 your text file

$fcontents = join ('', file ('textfile.txt'));

//Spliting contents of file by looking for ~ mark between codes

//and storing everything into an array.

$s_con = split("~",$fcontents);

//getting a random number which will be within the limit of the

//contents of the file, means if 5 different banners/ads then the number

//will be between 0-4 (total 5 )

$banner_no = (rand()%(count($s_con)-1));

//simple scho banner

echo $s_con[$banner_no];
