Social Anxiety Disorder Research Proposal

Essay by rlundayUniversity, Bachelor'sA, June 2012

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Social Anxiety Disorder Research Proposal May 16, 2011



Social anxiety disorder is an illness in which those affected are excessively self-conscious and overwhelmingly anxious in everyday social situations. According to American Psychiatric Association (2000, p. 456), the diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder is defined as a "marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or possible scrutiny by others." This topic has been widely researched and published on the Internet. Currently, social anxiety disorder is the third largest mental health care problem and the largest of all anxiety disorders, (Richards, 2011). It takes a significant amount of work using various treatment methods, but it is possible to overcome this disorder. Through research, I am hoping to discover what the most effective treatment method is for social anxiety disorder.


Social Anxiety Disorder Research Proposal


Social anxiety disorder can disrupt or even significantly impacting a person's day-to-day life if not treated. Anxiety disorders are inherited through genetics and may develop from risk factors, including brain chemistry and personality, (ADAA, 2010). The first step in narrowing my research topic is to determine a Focusing Question, (Ballenger, 2009, p. 53). Though I find the topic of social anxiety disorder interesting, my initial research indicates there are a number of treatment methods available such as therapy, medication, or complementary and alternative treatments (ADAA, 2010). As to which method is the most effective is what interests me the most. The focusing question I have selected is "what treatment method is the most effective for social anxiety disorder?" I will continue to research each method of treatment in answering my focusing question but I think...