Social Media, Its Effects on Political Outcomes, and How It Can Change Our World

Essay by 5gloversJunior High, 7th gradeA+, October 2014

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Jonah Glover

7th Honors ELA

Social Media, Its Effects on Political Outcomes, and How It Can Change Our World

Can social Media have an effect on an election? Long gone are the days, when you had to wait on the morning newspaper or the 6 o'clock news broadcast to relay information about the political world and candidates. Anything and everything you want to know is right at your fingertips with social media. This can spell bad news for political candidates, when a scandal breaks. One wrong word, bad speech, past mistake, or bit of mudslinging can be easy be found on social media and cannot be contained for long. People taking to Facebook and Twitter are spreading the news faster, causing less time for candidates to react and think about how to respond. These slip ups, false facts, or hidden secrets can cause potential voters to change their minds about who they would like to see win the election.

It is important to choose the right candidate, because this person will be making the decisions in our country, which can affect our standing in the world and our relationships with other countries. The rapid pace at which our world runs means everything is constantly changing and news is now spreading like wild fire, due to the easy and quick access of information through social media, which affects the voter's choice of candidate.

Elections were decided by the influence the candidate's campaign had on the voters. Now it is to were voters our given more information they need before making a decision. Websites such as Google contain every little detail about the candidate's childhood, parents, academic career, and previous jobs. This information allows voters to make a more responsible choice about who they want to elect. When debates take place...