The special place of chinese food in a world of varied cuisine

Essay by murtle76University, Bachelor'sB+, October 2004

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Chinese food is a very popular foreign cuisine in England as there are an enormous variety of dishes and flavours. The food is usually not spicy hot like Indian nor plainish like Italian.

China's politics have played a fair part in shaping their food. This is mainly due to the fact that for a long-time many of the Chinese were very poor and therefore had to eat whatever they could to survive. The people worked hard but for little money. This leads to restrictions in buying food and the fuel in which to cook in.

A quarter of the earth's population live in China, where they feed themselves off only 7% of the worlds arable lands. In China there are only 'farmscapes' as all available land is used for growing food on. The basic reason for cooking food is to make it more palatable and to add flavours. In Chinese food, there are over 40 methods of cooking.

A few of these methods are;

1. Chu - boiling

2. T'ang or T'ang P'ao - quick boiling

3. Shuan - using a charcoal burning fire or a methylated spirit fire with a hot pot

4. Ch'in - cooking in water, stock or oil. The food is placed in when the liquid is hot, briefly cooked then removed from the heat and left to cook in the pan.

5. Ch'uan - this is the same as Ch'in except the food is reboiled after the first boiling, and can sometimes be boiled three times.

6. Pao - deep boiling completed over a period of time.

7. Men - similar to stewing, but is cooked at a lower temperature and for a longer period. The vegetables are added near the end so that they do not turn soggy.

Chinese food is chopped in...