speech on tornados

Essay by myessay2College, UndergraduateB, June 2014

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Adam Pollard

Passengers are not helpful when learning to barefoot.

Passengers: Many times passengers think they are helping me out by moving closer to the skier to put the boom lower. According to Lane Bowers(2011) this in turn puts more weight on the skier's feet and not so much on the handle that they are sitting on. While this is a good idea in time and with attentive driving, warn the passengers to only help when asked in a coordinated effort to keep the skier safe.

Always practice on land first.

Lane Bowers(2011) states that using my instructional DVD and dry-land practice, carefully go over a perfect Butt Glide and Three-point Position. It is critical that the skier has perfected this on dry land before attempting it in the swing.
