"StarGirl" Written by Jerry Spinelli

Essay by hoteybMiddle School, 6th grade September 2006

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"StarGirl" is an amazing book about being yourself, love and friendships. In this book a new girl comes to Mica high school. Mica is a small town in the middle of the desert.

The main charters in this book are Stargirl (a.k.a. Susan Caraway) and Leo Borlock. Stargirl is your everday plain jane from the seventy's. she has sandy colored hair and she doesn't fix it really fancy like most people at Mica high. She has freckles on her face and likes to do good deeds. Like playing the uklele for students on their birthdays. She has a pet rat named cinnamon and she has a crush on Leo. Now Leo on the other hand collects porcupine neckties but doesn't wear them. He is friends with a boy named Kevin, they want to be in the telivion business when they get older. After a while of unusual behavior and her fun loving personality everyone begins to warm up to her, especially Leo.

Leo likes to be normal and decides to help Stargirl out. This all happened after they became closer friends.

My favorite part was when Stargirl first started showing Leo around. But, I didn't get mad at Leo when he made Stargirl change her looks, personality and made her put on makeup.

After a short while of unusual behavior and her fun loving personality everyone starts to warm up to Stargirl, especially Leo. Leo likes to be normal and decides to help Stargirl become normal. This all happens after they become closer than friends. Leo and Stargirl are talking after school and the next day Stargirl is Susan. Susan is the best she is popular fun and like everyone else. Leo is happy, he now has his way. Susan is not though, she is still is...