a statistical comparison between the two types of newspapers, a broad sheet and a tabloid.

Essay by sneahbub April 2002

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The purpose of this investigation is to make a statistical comparison between the two types of newspapers, a broad sheet and a tabloid. In this investigation the following questions will be answered:

Does the language of an article affect or determine what groups of people are most likely to read a certain newspaper?

Is there a connection between popularity and circulation?

I believe newspapers, which have a low readability, are aimed at people who feel comfortable or understand longer words and long sentences. Professional, working, sophisticated or higher-class people are likely to read newspapers, which have a low readability. Newspaper articles with low readability are most likely to have words with many syllables. Therefore the language of the broad sheet would be of higher standard than the tabloid.

I think greater ranges of people with varying intellect are more comfortable or are able to understand high readability newspapers, because they contain words with fewer syllables, shorter words, and the sentences are concise.

Consequently, it makes the articles in the newspaper easier to understand. Hence, the language used in the tabloid newspapers would be of lower standard than a broad sheet, and thus much easier to read.

Nearly all newspapers have web sites on the Internet, where the whole newspaper can be read free of charge. The newspaper articles of the 'Mirror' and the 'The Daily Telegraph' were downloaded from the sites. The articles were analysed using the grammar check in MS Word.

With the aid of MS Word spelling and grammar check, various statistics of an article can be displayed. The information about the reading level of the document can be obtained. This method is very convenient because it is a quick method of collecting the data. Each readability score bases its rating on the average number of syllables per...