Strategic Management and Business Policy - Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal

Essay by teslateeUniversity, Bachelor's January 2006

download word file, 5 pages 5.0

Downloaded 179 times

Guajilote was founded in 1991 as a component of a

USAID (United States Agency for International

Development) project. The project attempted to develop La

Muralla National park as an administrative and

socioeconomic model that COHDEFOR (the Honduran

forestry development service) could transfer to Honduras'

other national parks. The Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal

was given the right to exploit naturally fallen (not chopped

down) mahogany trees in La Muralla's buffer zone. A

buffer zone was the designated area within a park's

boundaries, but outside its core protected zone. People were

allowed to live and engage in economically sustainable

activities within this buffer zone. Guajilote in 1998 was

facing some important issues and concerns which could

effect not only its future growth, but also its very survival.

Careful planning is essential for any successful

business venture. The centerpiece is a well thought out

business plan. A solid business plan describes who you are,

how you will do it, your capacity to do it, and the financial

resources necessary to carry it out.

A well written plan will

serve as a guide through the start up phase of the business.

It can also measure benchmarks to measure the

performance of your business venture in comparison to

expectations and industry standards. A good business plan

will assist in attracting necessary financing.

Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal a cooperative in

Honduran provinces started out unprofessionally as a

business venture. The lack of education by the leaders of

the organization and the worker's has gotten their business

off to a slow start. The poor community which is lacking in

resources and knowledge of the quality of their product

hasn't made for a solid business plan. They are unable to

make benchmarks to measure the performance over the

years. No one has offered to assist in any...