Strategic Plan Analysis

Essay by golf_steveUniversity, Bachelor'sA, December 2007

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IntroductionI have spent more than a few years in the quality driven workforce. I have seen a few managers come and go over the course of the last ten years and I have certainly seen many different management styles, some have worked and some have failed miserably, still yet some have just seemed to get by. Overall, I have seen the aftermath of when a well ran organization that has a published mission, vision, goals and objectives have usually been well on their way to accomplishing their quality initiatives. Total Quality Management first introduced me to participative management and even at the tender age of nineteen, I instantly saw the value in the program. I felt that since I had some good ideas, I knew everything there was to know at that age, I had some value to add in the workplace. Although my Theory X boss at the local garage had other ideas, I knew that I wanted to change the management theories I had seen so far.

Management StylesAttempting to compare and contrast the management style in my organization, which is a peaking power generation station, with the management style at an organization that has adopted Total Quality Management; I have thought about what has made me a manager, it is TQM. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a participative management style that stresses total staff commitment to "customer" satisfaction. It is a holistic approach to managing complex organizations and replaces top-down management with decentralized customer-driven decision making (Hetto, 2001). The Total Quality Management participative management style is in stark contrast of the management styles that most managers are accustomed to. I think that this harkens back the times of Henry Ford and his management style of replacing the worker that did not perform as if they were...