The Suez Canal is one of the most important marine advancements of the whole world. It is located in Egypt connecting the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. It was one of the most ambitious projects due to the fact that there had never

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Suez Canal Crisis

The Suez Canal is one of the most important marine advancements of the whole world. It is located in Egypt connecting the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. It was one of the most ambitious projects due to the fact that there had never been such a big project on earth. It was the ambition for trade, and for linking our small world. People were already tired of having to go around Africa to go from Europe to Asia. We are talking about the late 1800's, specifically 1869. It took ten years to construct. Due to the fact that it was a key point on controlling the trade and movement of people, controlling the Suez Canal was one of the main goals of many nations. For example, we can talk about the Suez Canal Crisis.

The crisis was lead up by events from before World War 2. I'm talking about 1922, when Egypt becomes an independent nation and took control over Sudan.

This event made the British mad in a way at the sultan Faud, Egyptian sultan at the time. About 15 years after, the sultan dies giving power to his son. He signs a treaty that would give certain control over the canal and Sudan to Britain. Other 10 years later, the Egyptian government asks for the cession of Sudan, which Britain rejects. Winston Churchill mentions it saying and predicting that if the United Kingdom leaves the Suez Canal, they are going to go broke and chaos will strike the area. From this moment starts the first Arab-Israeli War. During this time period the Suez Canal was in extreme danger.

Just after the war had started, the Muslim Brotherhood killed the Egyptian Premier at the time. The Muslim Brotherhood leader called Hassan El Banna gets assassinated as...