What is Suicide? And It's Effects on Family

Essay by Saman_00High School, 12th gradeA-, April 2004

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What is Suicide? And It's Effects on Family

"Suicide is defined as an intentional and uncovered self-killing in which the conditions causing are self-arranged." It is a conscious act that people choose to do to them selves. Yet it could be avoided by such simple means as by talking to someone and getting help. Suicide is a common cause of death among those who are extremely depressed and have illnesses that occur when the brain gets disrupted. -Approximately 500,000 people have had to seek emergency treatment for trying to kill themselves in 1997 (Stats Canada). The most important varieties among suicides are maniacal, melancholy, obsessive, and impulsive. Mostly apply to people who suffer some episodes of insanity although that has not been developed completely. People who suffer from these traumas usually focus on all the negative aspects of their lives and believe that they cannot be helped. Durkheim concluded in his theory about the social causes of suicide that there are four types of suicides, based on the degrees of imbalance of two social forces: social integration and moral regulation.

1.Egoistic suicide: which results from too little social integration. Suicide varies inversely with the degree of integration of the social groups of which the individual forms a part. These people lack social support and this isolation leads to frequent suicides attempts, as they cannot depend upon those around them.

2.Altruistic suicide: was a result of too much integration. It was the opposite of egoistic suicide and represented the other end of the spectrum. Self-sacrifice was the key in this case. The individuals became so caught up in the group that they lost sight of their individuality and became willing to sacrifice themselves to the group's interests, even if that sacrifice was their own life. The most...