Summary of A Room of Ones Own by Virginia Woolf and sexism in this century

Essay by leenieT469College, UndergraduateA, April 2002

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In her book A Room of Ones Own, Virginia Woolf provides a graphic portrait of sexism in the early 1900s. Since then our society has allowed almost all the same equal opportunity to women as men. The only restriction that comes to mind that women still have today is women aren't permitted to become priests. Our society has come a long way since the release of Woolf's book and I think that she would feel proud and accomplished of contemporary attitudes toward women if she were alive today.

Over the century's restriction on women have been lessened. Women are now permitted to enter almost any profession. They are protected from discrimination by civil rights laws in many states. The two notable exceptions are that some combat assignments within the Armed Forces are still restricted to men only and women are prohibited from positions of authority within many religious organizations.

In recent decades, discrimination against individuals on a basis of gender has been viewed with increasing disgust.

Societal pressure will probably increase on those religious organizations that are seen to follow sexist policies. The more liberal faith groups have modified their practices; they now select clergy on basis of the individual's intelligence, personality and knowledge without regard of their gender. However, the most conservative traditions within many religions have not followed suit. They find it difficult to conform to the secular standard, because their sacred texts are interpreted as restricting positions of authority to men. To treat women equally in their churches would ignore the teachings of scripture, as they view it. They feel that their stance is not driven by a desire to oppress women; rather, they devoutly feel that the Bible does not authorize their denomination to ordain women.

The United States as numerous civil rights laws at...