Supportive Classroom Management Practices Maximise Learning

Essay by hilmer May 2005

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When entering the classroom as a preservice teacher for the first time, it is deceptive how simple an experienced teacher can make classroom management appear. The state school observed was made up of a diverse student body, with large numbers of students from a multitude of cultural backgrounds and learners with physical and intellectual impairments. It also contained a significant portion of students from low socio-economic families. Within the classrooms observed, namely year nine business education, minimal disruption occurred despite some students being notorious for disruptive and unacceptable behaviour. Also observed within these classes was the high level of student engagement with and enjoyment of the subject matter covered. The teacher observed presented a calm, firm but sensitive approach to students and addressed any concerning behaviour initially in class and also privately with the student(s) after class. Disruptive behaviour during class was addressed through implicit teacher acts such as pausing class instruction and making eye contact or moving in closer proximity to the disruptive student.

These preliminary classroom management strategies curtailed the inappropriate behaviour and formal school behaviour management policies were not needed. The observed classrooms clearly achieved both the teacher's and learners' objectives, for information to be interesting and therefore engaged with by students. The question to be investigated within this research report is how was such a successful classroom established? Are there any theories or research that suggest how the classroom environment may better support learners?

Literature Review

The term management is often associated with the supervision and control of others, usually within context of the business world (Dinsmore, 2003, p.6). This association is also evident within education, whereby classroom management is commonly associated with the control and regulation of students within the classroom (Porter, 2000, p.3). Clearly this definition of classroom management is flawed as it...