Surrealism and Freud How surrealism contributed to Freuds Ideas, and how Freuds Ideas contributed to surrealism

Essay by italianqt03xCollege, UndergraduateA, December 2003

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Surrealism can be defined in a few ways. One is that it is a belief in superior reality of certain forms. Pure psychic automatism with which one proposes to express the real process of thought, either orally or in writing, or in any other manner. Another definition is a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or non-rational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions.

Surrealism was first introduced by Salvatore Dali as a form of abstract art. It was developed during the 20th century literary artistic movement. Freud was the first major social scientist to propose a unified theory to understand and explain human behavior.

From what I have read about Freud and surrealism, I have come up with my own conclusion of the connection between Freud and Surrealism. Surrealist paintings, for example, tend to look as if they are of a dream world.

They depict objects or people that are not natural or real world. They look as though they come from deep within the mind and imagination. This is where Freud comes in.

Freud believed that there was a part of the human mind that blocked itself from being aware, from realizing where these images come from and making them up. And assuming that it was able to be tapped into, the surrealists believed that the unconscious is where art work and literary works came from.

Both surrealists and Freud believe that underlying our conscious is our unconscious. If you look at surrealist art, you can tell that automatically, it is not something that exists in real life. They look as though they are from the person's deepest, darkest feelings. Freud and surrealists think that this comes from within their unconscious.