Symbolic sister of "The Metamorphosis"

Essay by DanOSU214College, UndergraduateA+, May 2004

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Asmondy 1

The End of a Story

All good stories have an ending. But what is an ending? It is a termination. It is something that constitutes an end in the form of a conclusion to reach a logically, necessary end by reasoning (Webster 2000). In relation to a story it should have significance, and create some sort of closure. I believe the ending in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka does provides closure by the reader inferring the changes in the Samsa family. The significance displayed by the ending is how particularly Grete, the daughter, changes throughout the story as a result of the metamorphosis and eventual death of her brother Gregor.

Prior to Gregor's transformation, Grete is used to a childhood life of "peace, prosperity, and contentment" dependent on her brother's hard work and consideration for the family (25). She has no major responsibilities. Gregor affirms this lifestyle when "he felt very proud of himself for having been able to provide...[the

quiet life his family leads] such a beautiful apartment" (25). Grete's dependency is apparent when she begins to sob on the morning Gregor does not make it to work on time: "And why was she crying? Because he didn't get up and let the chief clerk in? Because he was in danger of losing his job, and because then his boss would once more dun their parents for his old claims?" (17). The thought of this disrupting the life of leisure she is used to upsets her and causes her to weep.

Grete begins to display signs that her character is changing when she accepts responsibility for the well-being and care of her brother after his transformation. In doing so, she starts to feed him and clean his room daily. Now, although she is afraid of

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